For the past two years, I've chosen a word of the year to focus my energy on throughout the year. I haven't totally decided on my 2011 Word of the Year (I know, I'm a little behind), but I had been contemplating
simplicity. Although I don't think this will end up being my word, I find it interesting that I was thinking about using it, and the first week of 2011 has definitely been simple--forced simplicity one could say. I came down with a monster cold/flu last Thur. We spent New Years Eve at home on the couch with a movie. And, I've pretty much been at home every day since then. I made the mistake of trying to go to work yesterday, but that didn't go over very well, and by 10:00 a.m., I left and headed to the Dr. before coming home. I don't have the energy to do anything besides sleep, read, and surf on the internet. I cannot smell a thing (this is killing me as I LOVE my sense of smell). I cannot taste anything (which is also killing me as eating just isn't as fun when you can't taste it!). I literally haven't left the house since last Saturday except for my short jaunt to work and the Dr. Anyway, 2011 has been simple so far. This wasn't exactly what I was invisioning when thinking about the word simplicity, but it's what I got. Anyway, I will continue to ponder my 2011 word of the year, and I am very much looking forward to feeling back to my normal healthy self.
Do you choose a word of the year? If so, I'd love to hear your choice.