I was glancing around the internet (haven't had much time for that lately!) and read this quote,
"What do you need today, kid?"
Oh I had to write it down and then I took special notice of it! Because today was one of those days.
It started with me teaching a 6:45am class, then heading to a morning meeting
with a dear friend, then heading to work, teaching another class, doing more work and gulping down lunch, teaching another class, looking at the clock and freaking out at the time, doing more work and then coming home. To open the computer and get online again. Yep.
One of those days.
So when I read this quote, I stopped. I switched off the work email. I opened up the blog. I read some emails from friends, responded to some texts from the women in my life who I've not been in touch with enough lately. I sat down on the couch and put my feet up.
You know, it's really busy at work. So so busy. But then I realised that I don't work alone - there are many other people at work with me. And I bet those people aren't at home right now working on their emails and getting through the night with stress. Team work is where it's at. And I'm not holding the ship, I'm just part of the team. So the email has been turned off.
When chatting with my dear friend this morning (and that's a whole post in itself... SO exciting!) she mentioned that she thought most women will give up their yoga practice when life is busy. They'll give up a daily practice because they're too busy helping others, giving up their time or placing it as less of a priority than the needs of others.
When I had a student come in looking so stressed this evening, telling me she hadn't come to class for a week because it's just too busy, I immediately thought of my morning conversation.
We do. We really do give up the things that keep us going in these tough and busy times.Yes, it's a generalisation, but I was looking at a clear example right in front of me. And within me!
So I'm taking note right now, and listening to the little note the universe kicked my way courtesy of the internet. "What do you need today, kid?"
Me? I need a long hot shower with plenty of my special ]use-for-special-occasions, christmas present body wash. I need to get into bed with the kindle and read - not work stuff, but inspiring, novel-like, light-hearted goodness. Then I need to put on a meditation cd and drift off to sleep, being grateful for the beautiful day I did have and the connections i made with the gorgeous students I have the honour to practice with, around the stress. Hmmm indeed!
Friends, what do YOU need today? And can you take just 5 minutes to give it to yourself?
Please join me : ) I know you deserve it, simply because YOU are YOU.
Namaste xo