It's been over 2 years since I left a job where I was completely burnt out, and I'm still battling the adrenals. But as I was wisely told this morning, it is something probably 10 years in the making.
I worked hard, pushed and pushed for a good 10 years, so "it's more than likely going to be a slow process back to health". She's a wise cookie, that friend.
Then I read another post just after this conversation, that said "
To be honest, if you really are adrenally fatigued, you will probably need to put quite a focus into getting back on track. There is no quick fix." True that. So patience, grasshopper.
I got up this morning to do my morning meditation and pulled out my affirmation cards, and did get a giggle that the first one I pulled out was from Sark - "lie down, breathe deeply"!
Point taken, Universe :)
I saw a Naturopath on the weekend to have a
VLA as I've joined a group for a
Spring detox. Yep, I've just come off one - but as this now needs to be somewhat of a way of living for me to get back to wellness, I though I'd dive into such a supportive environment!
The naturopath giving me the VLA was great, and I'm actually going back to see her next week - some of my results were a little surprising given a) I just got off a detox, and b) I am a generally pretty healthy living yoga teacher. For example, my muscle mass was out of whack considering I do so much weight-bearing exercise. My hydration of cells was 'average' when I'd already drunk 2 litres of water that morning and I was still super thirsty (and it was only lunchtime). So there's stuff going on... leaky gut was mentioned, gut repair was mentioned. And to be honest, I hope that's what it is. Because I'm exhausted and tired.
The serenity prayer came to mind this morning during my meditation:
God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,
COURAGE to change the things I can,
and WISDOM to know the difference.
I think I need to keep reminding myself of this, because rather than getting cranky and frustrated at my body, I need to find a peace with it. I need to stop fighting it already.
So yes, I'll keep searching for help to get me back to wellness, but I'll also listen to my body (& the universe) that tells me to slow down.
Hugs to you on your long weekend x