I often ponder the nature of intuitive sensation, which arises naturally within the organic sense of Being, as opposed to the many forms of sensation which apparently demand an extensive conscious participation, as discussed by Jeanne de Salzmann in
The Reality of Being.
Extensive familiarity with exercises and the many essential phenomena that manifest in the context of an inner sensation of Self have both a form and a language. This is a paradox, because anyone who reads the material she (or perhaps another) offers on the subject will see that the form of the language both recommends and embraces an understanding of wordlessness and formlessness.
While this position can seem contradictory, it isn't; because even though the sensation of Self leads through energies of a spinal, abdominal, or other organically specific nature, and forms natural magnetic centers related to an inner sense of gravity, it must—inevitably—enter that same realm of wordlessness and formlessness that lies beyond the explanations and instructions.
At such a point, we cannot discuss energy as localized; neither the conscious sensation of it, its nature, or its implications are limited by the experience that arrives. One senses it entirely as inflow; and inflow is universal, cellular, immediate, ubiquitous—in a word, universal.
The perceived division of the material into unique subjects and objects is a function of the body alone; as physicists have pointed out, at the quantum level— and, for that matter, even above it, at the atomic level–physical reality is composed of a kind of "energy soup," without any notable boundaries. I say that this perceived division is a function of the body alone, because it arises according to the sense limitations of the body. While we work within those lawful limitations on the whole, it's important to recognize the need to go beyond.
An intuitive sensation no longer belongs to any predictable realm. It does not take its cue from expectation or physical form; and it does not express itself in any logically or rationally explicable way. It arises, in other words, within the context of mystery; because it derives its Being, its existence, from an intimate expression of the Reality. Functioning solely as support for Being, without needing a critical analysis or explanation of its nature, it is just simply there. There is no need to do anything but come into relationship with it. All else takes place naturally.
The word "intuitive" was originally derived from the Latin roots meaning “to look upon.” It has also, through the centuries, meant to teach, or to see unerringly or accurately. All of these various versions of the word help to indicate what an intuitive sensation consists of: that which sees, that which teaches, that which makes no error. In each case, it is an expression of a higher force that brings understanding, which is Truth unto itself.
One of the reasons, I think, that Gurdjieff did away with all of the yoga diagrams that show the nature of the channels of energy within the body is that he was leading us towards this particular understanding. And I think de Salzmann formed a bridge facing backwards, because it turned out to be necessary to re-incorporate some of this material before moving further out into the unknown.
Yet in forming that bridge, she unerringly pointed us in the direction of that which arises as a living force; both in her language, and from her experience, she manifested a Grace that empowers us to embody that mystery.
May your soul be filled with light.