by Ram
That our personality is determined by what we eat is based on the belief “You are what you eat” expounded by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin and Ludwig Feuerbach who declared that food affects one’s health and state of mind. The philosophy of conscious eating is emphasized in the Ayurvedic texts, the
Yoga Sutras, the
Bhagavad Gita and
Upanishads. According to these texts, if digestion is not optimal, it can trigger imbalances in other systems of the body, including the mind. Optimal digestion directly and swiftly corrects imbalances and in doing so, brings an end to suffering and prevents future disease. Most of us experience digestive disturbances at some time in our lives, some acute and some chronic that cause both discomfort and embarrassment. Correction of the digestive system is a part of the treatment of every imbalance in the body.
The above texts also stress the importance of being in tune with nature while eating consciously. Through food we connect to nature and become one with it. When we live in harmony with nature we experience optimal health and digestion and peace of mind. When we are out of harmony, we experience suffering. In realizing our connection to nature through eating, our relationship with food becomes a sacred experience. Furthermore, our close connection with nature also helps us to become aware of the role of the movement of the sun in influencing and impacting our digestion. The sun represents the fire element and in the physical body this is reflected as the process of transformation of the food by the heat of the digestive juices (jatharagni in Ayurveda). Thus, when the sun is at its peak in the sky, digestion is stronger and optimal. Similarly, digestive capacity is at its ebb during dawn or in the evening twilight when the sun is either rising or setting. Therefore, the above texts also recommend eating our largest meal during the midday hours when the sun is at its peak and smaller meals in the morning and evening. Such timed meals based on the sun’s position not only prevent weight gain and onset of other digestive-related problems but also ensures a disease-free long life. Some of these facts were clearly laid out in Nina’s post
Yoga for Healthy Eating: An interview with Dayna Macy |
Glad Day by William Blake |
The above mentioned principles of consciously eating in tune with the sun’s position is now supported by a recent research study
Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness that suggests that you’re not only
what you eat, but
when you eat. According to this research study, having lunch as the main meal of the day (anytime before 3 pm) in fact could help you lose weight. The study just published in the International Journal of Obesity was carried out by a team of researchers at Spain’s University of Murcia, Boston's Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Tufts University in Medford, Mass. In this prospective study, 420 overweight men and women who lived in the Spanish seaside town of Murcia were monitored for 20 weeks while restricting their calorie intake to about 1,400 a day. The participants were divided into two groups: early-eaters who ate their lunch anytime before 3 p.m. and late-eaters that ate after 3 p.m. Among the findings reported in the journal:
- Early eaters lost an average of 22 pounds in 20 weeks; late eaters lost about 17 pounds.
- The late eaters consumed fewer calories during breakfast and were more likely to skip breakfast than early eaters.
- The late eaters had lower insulin sensitivity, which is a risk factor for diabetes.
The researches also noted that the effects of sleep and biological clocks have a close association with weight regulation in animals. If the timing of meals doesn’t match with the sleep cycle, there is a disconnect between the different body’s biological clocks leading to obesity and other physical problems. Thus, the results of the study not only demonstrate the need to avoid eating late at night but also the findings unequivocally demonstrate that timing of meals is a clear predictor of weight-loss effectiveness. While shifting to an early feast may not be too difficult for folks in Spain where the main meal of the day happens to be at mid-day, it could take quite an effort to convince folks here in the U.S., where the largest meal of the day (aka dinner) coincides with the setting sun. But give it try—remember to make hay
and eat your biggest meal while the sun shines.