So with my adrenal fatigue stuff comes a whole host of relearning - ways to eat, ways to rest, ways to exercise. One thing my naturopath is helping me with at the moment is protein in every meal.. she actually said, "Right now, I don't care what you eat but if you came to me and said you'd had protein with each meal I'd be happy". Baby steps.
Lunches and dinners are fine - but it's the breakkies I'm asking for help with. A snapshot of my morning is as follows:
5 - 5:30am - alarm goes off, I snooze & snooze again
5:30 - 6:30am - I'm driving to my first class of the day and am teaching
8am - finish & am ravenously hungry
I have trouble eating early in the morning, so I've been having some protein shakes to get me through. They take 30 seconds to make, and I can have them in the car. Now that's what I'm talking about!
So, any suggestions my friends?
FYI I'm going for a gluten free diet, so I'll keep you updated on how it goes :)